Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers Part 1
Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers
- What is Salesforce and what is the architecture of Salesforce?
A. Salesforce is a Cloud based software made on platform, it has a pre-built feature to serve as a CRM, but Salesforce is not limited to be called CRM, It has many out of the box features. Salesforce uses Multitenant architecture
2. What is Multitenancy?
A. It is the methodology in which all users share IT related resources to make it cost effective even for a small business. It helps in reducing the initial cost of starting a new.
Images sourced from site
3. Can you explain multi-tenant Data model?
A. To deal with a tremendous, constantly changing arrangement of the genuine database, implements it storage model with the help of metadata, data and pivot table as described in the diagram below.
Images sourced from site
4. Describe an object in Salesforce? How many types of objects are there in Salesforce?
A. They are similar to database tables of an organization and are used to store a record in Salesforce. Salesforce has provided us with some predefined objects which are known as standard objects and Salesforce has provided us with the ability to create new objects which are known as the Custom object.
5. What is the distinguishing factor between the standard object and custom object?
A. API name of Custom objects contains a suffix of ‘__c’. It is added automatically by Salesforce. E.g customobjectName__c
6. What is a field and how many types of field are there in Salesforce?
A. There are 4 types of fields, 1) Compound Field 2) system Field 3) required Field 4) custom field
7. What is a relationship field in Salesforce and how many types of relationships are there in Salesforce?
A. A relationship field is the one which associates one object with another object. A relationship can be formed between standard objects, custom objects and also between custom and standard objects. Salesforce provides three type of relationships, 1) Lookup 2) Master-Detail Relationship 3) External Relationship, the first two are the most common relationship used throughout the Salesforce.
8. The difference between lookup and master-detail relationship?
A. There are fundamental differences in the behavior and record sharing that you need to read up on.
The most important difference is that master-detail has a direct dependency between the objects:
You cannot have a detail record without a master.
The detail record inherits sharing rules from the master.
The maximum number of master-detail relationships are limited to two.
All related detail objects are deleted if the master object is deleted.
Lookups are used when the behavior of the master-detail – particularly around sharing rules, profile permissions and cascade delete are not required.
when multiple parents need to be referenced then we use look-up
9. Define Self Relationship in Salesforce?
A. It is a look up Relation to the same object.
10. How many types of Object Relationships are supported by Salesforce?
A. Salesforce supports three types of object relationship: 1) one -to- one 2) one – to – many 3) many – to – many
11. What is a trigger, when do we use before and after trigger?
A. A trigger is the flow of code which initiates before or after a DML Event. i.e. before insert or after update etc. We use before trigger if we want to process data before the record is committed and after trigger where we want to use the values from the committed record to change the value in other object’s record.
Salesforce interview Questions based Apex Collections
Apex Collections are set of identical elements grouped together in a collection. A collection can be of three types list, set and map. Interview related questions as per the ones which I have faced during my interviews.
Q.What are the types of collections which are supported by salesforce?
A. Salesforce supports three types of collections
- List
- Set
- Map
Q. What are the difference between list, set and maps?
A. There are many differences between these collections.
- List is ordered, it allows duplicate values, values entered can be indexed. Sort method is available and contains methods is not available.
- Set is unordered, it does not allow duplicates and values entered cannot be indexed. Sort Method is not available and contains method is available in set.
- Map is a key value pair collection. It uses containsKey method, keyset() to get only the keys, values() to fetch all the values.
Q. what is the difference between add() and addAll() method?
A add() is used to add only one element in the collection and addAll() is used to add a collection to another similar collection.
Q. how to check whether a list is null or empty?
A. We check a list is empty or null by checking following condition/
If((listObj != null)&&(list.size()>0))
****More Questions to come
Thanks for sharing the questions.
Looking forward for more interview based questions 🙂
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[…] Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers Part. Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers What is Salesforce and what is the architecture of Salesforce? A. Salesforce is a Cloud based software made on platform, it has a pre-built feature to serve as a CRM, but Salesforce is not limited to be called CRM, It has many out of the box features. Salesforce uses Multitenant architecture 2. A. Images sourced from site 3. […]